Phyllis Moore, Ph.D
Professor, Ray Beagle Endowed Chair of Liberal Arts, and Program Head of Creative Writing
Professor Phyllis Moore is the author of the short story collection, A Compendium of Skirts. Her work has been short-listed in the Best American Short Stories and Pushcart Prize anthologies, and she has been the recipient of numerous Florida and Illinois arts council grants. She earned her Ph.D. in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago and is a former co-chair of the MFA in writing program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is currently Chair of the Liberal Arts Department at KCAI, and Program Head of Creative Writing. She teaches literature and creative writing classes, directs individual studies and serves as faculty advisor for creative writing internships. She’s conducted seven study abroad programs for KCAI students: four to France and three to the Nemzetközi Kerámia Stúdió (International Ceramics Studio) in Kecskemét, Hungary. Her story, “Rembrandt’s Bones,” published in The Georgia Review, was featured in the GR’s nomination for the National Magazine Award for fiction in 1999. The story was later anthologized in the 25th fiction anniversary edition of The Georgia Review -A Home in Other People: Selected Stories and Art, 1984-2007—and in Stories Only Wanting To Be Heard. Moore’s story “Big Pink and Little Minkie” was anthologized in Chicago Works.
“A Compendium of Skirts” was selected for inclusion in Mississippi Review, 30 Years: A Tribute to the Work of Editors Frederick Barthelme and Rie Fortenberry. Other stories and poems have appeared in Tri-Quarterly, Redbook, Chelsea, The Michigan Quarterly Review, The Mississippi Review, and Apalachee Quarterly. Her poem, “Why I Hate Martin Frobisher,” has been reprinted in Writing Poetry: Where Poems Come From and How To Write Them, in Seriously Funny: Poems About Love, Death, Religion, Art, Politics, Sex, and Everything Else, and in Tri- Quarterly’s issue 128, a special edition on humor. She has been honored with KCAI’s Excellence in Teaching award. Her classes at KCAI include: Shakespeare in Translation, Minute Fiction, Minute Fiction and the Prose Poem [co-taught with Professor Cyrus Console-Şoican), From the Beast to the Blonde, The Short Story, The Ecstasy of Influence, and Magical Realist Fiction.